
Outsourced Media Buying Services for Agencies and Corporate Clients

Media Buying

Our Outsourced Media Buying service adds a virtual, full-service media team to your agency or corporate team.

Ad Network-Plus

Ad Network-Plus provides your business with access to high-quality inventory that can meet any demand.

How We’ve Done So Far

502 million ad spend in USD all time
9.4 billion impressions all time
32.1 million clicks all time
3.06 billion video views all time

Outsourced Media Buying

Think of our outsourced media buying as a white label service. Our team of expert media buyers and analysts work behind the scenes as a virtual extension of your own in-house media team. For agencies, the service allows you to add new revenue streams by offering media services to existing clients and responding to more RFPs than ever. For corporate clients and agencies, our service allows you to scale your media buying to meet the demands of season advertising campaigns, and human and technical resource limitations.

Dedicated Customer Advisor

A dedicated US-based strategic advisor will be assigned to assist you in integrating and managing the service. Your advisor will be your point of contact for everything from advising on strategy to analyzing data and optimizing campaigns.

Inbound Marketing Kit

We’ve taken the guesswork out of how to communicate the features and benefits of digital ad placement services. Our optional Inbound Marketing Kit will help jumpstart your digital collateral so you can start promoting your services immediately.

Branded Reporting

Our data team provides client-branded reporting, customized to match the types and frequency of data your team needs to optimize campaigns and share with your clients. Whether you want a daily email or a live log-in…the choice is yours.

Curated Ad Network

APP will place your ads using our curated ad network of top-performing DSPs and publishers. The network includes a large amount of high-quality inventory.

Top Media Channels

You’ll have access to all the media channels you need to create multi-channel campaigns. From Online Video to OTT Streaming—you get it all.

Ad Network-Plus

Our Ad Network Plus service leverages the experience our team has gained from more than a decade of helping customers overcome the challenges in the world of digital media buying. Think of Ad Network-Plus as the multi-tool of ad placement services.

Access our curated ad network

During the past decade, the APP team has built an amazing network of DSPs (demand-side platforms) and publishers, that gives our clients access to the highest-quality inventory. We currently have the inventory to reach 1.5 billion monthly users.

Expand your services into new media channels

Some agencies offer media buying services but are somewhat limited to the channels they can access adequately. Perhaps they excel in Search or Social, but would like to do more Programmatic Display or OTT Streaming. APP has expert buyers in all media channels and can help your agency expand its offerings.

Scale quickly

APP can help your agency scale your agency media buying quickly by acting as a virtual part of your in-house team. Our clients rely on us to assist during seasonal campaigns and other events that require quick scaling. We require no minimum ad buys and no long-term contracts. Once the onboarding process is complete, the APP team can jump in at a moment’s notice to handle any sized project.

Customized for your agency

No agency is the same as another. APP can put together a package that addresses your unique needs. Contact us now, or schedule a 15-minute video meetup.

1.5 Billion Monthly Users

For more than a decade, APP has been building a curated ad network of DSPs (demand-side platforms) and publishers. As a result, we have the inventory to reach more than 1.5 billion users each month. So no matter the size of your ad spend, the duration of your campaign, or the size of your audience—we have the high-quality inventory to deliver the goods.

Learn how Ad Placement Partners can help expand your capabilities and help grow your agency business.

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